OSHA Color Codes
What are the color codes used by OSHA for safety identification?
OSHA color codes are specified in 29 CFR 1910.144, which establishes the Safety Color Code for marking physical hazards. Below are recommended colors for each sign:
- Red: It is used for fire protection equipment, danger signs, containers of flammable liquids, lights at barricades, and stop buttons/switches.
- Yellow: It is employed for identifying specific physical hazards such as falling, tripping, and striking, as well as cautionary purposes.
In OSHA standard 1910.145, specific colors are not mandated for accident prevention tags, but the following color recommendations are provided:
- Red: Recommended for danger tags.
- Yellow: Recommended for caution tags.
- Orange: Recommended for warning tags.
- Fluorescent orange or red-orange: Recommended for biological hazards.
What are the color codes specified by ANSI for safety identification?
ANSI color codes are detailed in the ANSI Z535.1-2001 standard, which provides guidelines for the identification of potential hazards and safety equipment. Each color or combination of colors has its specific designated purpose.
Are OSHA or ANSI safety signs necessary to ensure compliance with safety regulations?
Both OSHA and ANSI designed signs share the common objective of notifying workers about potential hazards and workplace policies. However, several factors need to be considered before selecting a specific design, and in many instances, an ANSI-formatted sign will meet OSHA standards for compliance. For more information visit our OSHA sign regulations page.